Welcome to HoopCasino.com! Your trust is our priority, and we believe in being transparent about how our site operates. This page explains our affiliate relationships and how they affect the content you see.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a common way websites earn revenue by promoting products or services. When you click on an affiliate link on our site and make a purchase or sign up, we may receive a commission from the merchant.

How HoopCasino.com Uses Affiliate Links

At HoopCasino.com, we use affiliate links to connect you with the best online casinos. These links are integrated throughout our reviews and comparison tables. Our partnerships with these casinos allow us to earn commissions for referrals, which helps keep our site running and our content free for all users.

Compensation and Incentives

We are compensated in several ways, including commission for referrals and fixed fees. However, it is important to note that this compensation does not influence the integrity of our reviews. We aim to provide unbiased and honest evaluations of each casino, based on thorough research and user feedback.

Our Commitment to Unbiased Reviews

Our reviews and ratings are based on a set of criteria designed to give you the most accurate information possible. We consider factors such as game variety, user experience, customer service, and security. While we do earn commissions through affiliate links, these partnerships do not affect our commitment to providing objective and trustworthy reviews. Learn more here on how we rate.

Impact of Affiliate Relationships on Users

Using our affiliate links does not cost you anything extra. In some cases, you may even benefit from special offers or promotions that we have negotiated with the casinos. Our goal is to provide value to our users while maintaining the financial viability of our website.

Transparency and Updates

We are committed to keeping you informed about our affiliate relationships. Any significant changes to these partnerships or our compensation structure will be reflected on this page. We encourage you to check back periodically for updates.

If you have any questions or concerns about our affiliate relationships, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can contact us here, we are here to provide clarity and assist with any inquiries you may have.

Thank you for visiting HoopCasino.com and for your trust in our platform. We are dedicated to transparency and to providing you with the best possible information to enhance your online casino experience.